Friday, 8 May 2015

Web site Creator Review: Comparison of Web Creator, Google Sites, Weebly and Wix

Explain the purpose of a website.

Websites can have many purposes. They can be used to relay information, as an online store, express opinions, show off artwork, and many more. Its main purpose is to provide any type of information to those that will look at your website. When your website is on the internet it can be available to anyone. It creates a contact or connection between those behind the website and the person visiting the website. Websites have added convenience to many people around the world. Without websites there would be no way to order products online, find out how your favorite sports teams are doing, or find information for your research paper. I believe the main purpose of websites are to give convenience to its visitors. Before we had computers, we got our information from endless searching through encyclopedias and other books. Now all that needs to be done is to simply type want you want to find and it’s on your screen in a matter of seconds.

How can you use website in the classroom?

Websites have a wide variety of use in the classroom. Like I said before, they can provide endless amounts of information. This is an excellent way to give out study guides. This is convenient to the students because they are available anywhere where internet is available. They also preserve the use of paper which is also good for the environment. Teachers can use websites as a way to relay assignments, projects, study guides, and other important information students may need to pass the class. When teachers use website as a part of their classroom setting, I believe students will feel more compelled to do their work. The idea of using a website to do work seems a lot more interesting than simply having a portfolio full of papers that they have a good chance of losing. It also helps the environment in a huge way! There are already many websites that I use that help me tremendously in class. Relaying class assignment through websites may reduce our carbon footprint in a massive way. Using less paper means cutting down less trees. Less trees being cut down means less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. And lastly, less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere means a decline in global warming. So the use of websites in a classroom actually have more extrinsic value than one may expect.

Create a table to compare the features and usability of Google Site, Weebly, Wix.
Google sites
Photo Editing

Drag and Drop Feature

Make your own Domain Name

Yes (Not Free)

Yes (Not Free)

Yes (Not Free)

Save Before Publishing

Saving automatically publishes the website
Saving also publishes the website
Many free themes

Embed Youtube Videos

Use of different fonts

Can insert multimedia

Free Account

Set type of site to regular, blog, or store

Ability to change font color

Preview website before publishing

Add Google Apps (Hangouts, Google+, Google Drive)
Only Google Maps
Only Google Maps
Easy switch between mobile and desktop editing
Option to rearrange navigation buttons
Redo/Undo option (CTRL+z)
Provides community of users/ communication between users

Draft a paragraph that discusses the differences among Google Sites, Weebly, and Wix.

       These three web making sites have many differences. The most evident difference most people will notice is the user interface. All three of these sites have completely different user interfaces. The tools used to create your website are all placed in different places in each site. 

The way of using all these tools is also very different across the three site. For example, to place items on your website on Weebly one would simply drag and drop the item to the place they want it. Another notable difference is the ability to switch between desktop editing and mobile site editing. This feature is available on Weebly and Wix, but not on Google Sites. This is a good feature because there are many people that use their phones to check websites. It adds convenience to the site’s visitors. I have also noticed that Wix does not load as fast as Weebly and Google Sites. This is a significant difference between the three. Through my perspective, I believe that Weebly loads the fastest and Google Sites works okay but not as fast. The use of Google Apps is also different among the three sites. Google Sites allows the use for more Google Apps. This is because these two things belong to the same company. It only makes sense for Google to allow the integration of all their apps on their website making site. Weebly and Wix are different because they only allow the use of Google Maps. A major factor that some people may put aside is the ability to edit pictures on their sites. This ability is only available to for Wix and Weebly. Google Sites does not make this feature available to its users. In addition Wix contains a feature that allows you to save your site but not publish it. This is a special feature that was only available to Wix. Weebly and Google Sites only allow you to Publish your site.

Among those web site creators which do you recommend more and for what use? Explain.

 I personally recommend Weebly over Google Sites and Wix for regular use of the website. To create a site just for relaying information Weebly is the site to use! It’s drag and drop feature make it very simply for someone to use.  If the person has no previous experience of creating a website then Weebly will not give you a hard time. It also loads things much faster for me. This site is overall more convenient and has the tools available to use right in front of you. The layout of Weeby is also more inviting than the others. I personally believe it is more aesthetically pleasing than the other two sites. The website I created using Weebly was a website about food all around the world. I created a similar website using Google Sites, and I can say that Weebly is definitely easier to use. This became evident to me when I found myself not asking Mrs. Buenaflor, my computer teacher, for help as often as I did when we were trying out Google Sites. In fact, I do not recall asking for any assistance when it came to using this site. That is just how easy it is to use Weebly. If you are planning on
 making a website about a certain topic, person, or group of people, I suggest that you use Weebly if you had to choose between Google Sites, Weebly, and Wix. Although many people may choose to use Google Sites simply because it has the Google brand on it, I highly recommend to try out Weebly. It may not be as well-known as Google Sites but it should be. To make this choice even more obvious, it took me a less amount of time to create my Weebly website than the one I created on Google Sites.


  1. I agree with you. I also want to recommend Weebly over Google Sites and Wix to people because it is the easiest to use among three. I spent hard time to create web sites by using Google Site and Wix. I want to recommend Wix to professional person, not amateur.

  2. It's pretty awesome review! Thank's for sharing!
